I was not always interested in hiking. In fact, I used to hate going on hikes. But my love of hiking slowly developed thanks to my family who love who hike, and a trip I took.
My real love of hiking developed on a backpacking trip I took to Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimmaron, New Mexico. Up until that point I used to be pretty apprehensive about hiking. Looking back, I think it was because I had some unresolved animosity towards physical activity. However, after my first day or two, I grew to love the experience. The sights alone were worth the hike, but I also learned to love the hike itself too.
From there I have been on a few more hiking trips. The most recent one I enjoyed was a trip to Mt. Quandry near Breckenridge, Colorado. This was my first 14er and I am looking forward to doing a few more!
It’s main appeal to me is the peace and quiet you usually get with it. It’s just you and nature. I don’t like bringing along a ton of gadgets and things with me. I just like to enjoy the scenery around me, make some good camping food, and sit by a warm fire at night.
Hot take, maybe, but I like winter camping much better than spring/summer/fall. It does require more gear so you don’t freeze, but the weather is just part of the challenge and appeal to me.